Parllay Content Marketing

——Precisely Post | A/B Test

“Content marketing” is becoming more and more important in the era of We Media. Operators of WeChat OA often wonder why the reading rate is difficult to improve and users used to unsubscribe when the content is carefully selected. Traditional post doesn’t differentiate users, so it often has the opposite effect. Parllay precisely post help you retain users, accelerate conversion.

Right Time - Right Content - Right Method - Right Person

Multiple message types

Standard article message, jump out chain message, LBS location message and personalized message meet the needs of different scenes.

Group post for A/B test

Group management, grouping post different content, effective test of reading rate, collection rate and sharing and forwarding rate.

More post times

Pushing different content for different groups is equivalent to upgrading WeChat OA to 3000 times per month.

Detailed data report

Group reports can inquire the overall performance of tweets and single tweets, showing the effect of tweets in multiple dimensions.

Four message types satisfy different scenarios

Four message types are created through Parllay. Standard articles satisfy the general content post of WeChat OA, highly customized content. Jump outside chain messages effectively, guide users to external websites or pages. LBS messages meet the needs of interaction based on offline stores and location. Personalized texts display users' avatars and nicknames on the message cover, and interact with users closely.

Content Editor is Flexible and Practical

Parllay's powerful editing features help brands create articles more easily and efficiently, gain deeper understanding of users, and achieve accurate content marketing.
"Timed push within seven days", get rid of the official platform 2 days limit.
"Xiumi Assistant", an one-click shortcut to enter Xiumi.
"Hyperlink", hyperlinks on the Parllay can be tagged.
"Add tags" to enter user actions into the tag database.
"Group push", grouped according to the customer group, tag, user properties and other dimensions.
"Multiple font selections", Parllay editor supports multiple font selections.

Parllay Advanced Group Post | Precisely Post

Increase the reading rate of WeChat OA 3 times

Scan the QR Code to experience

Three Types Meet Various Push Needs

How to tag the people who scan different qr codes differently? Standard sending, 48 hour sending and template messages meet various post requirements. Standard sending meets basic content push requirements; 48 hours sending can batch reply users who have interacted with the official account within 48 hours; template messages push reminders and notification messages to users, not subject to monthly push article limit .

A/B Test for Precise Push

According to the Parllay group push function, the article content transmission effect can be tested. We can test the article title open rate, article reading rate, collection rate and share forwarding rate. Similarly, sending the same article to different groups can also test group activity and stability and loyalty.

Detailed Articles Analysis Data

Parllay provides detailed WeChat article data analysis to understand content marketing effectiveness in real time. Use the report to understand the overall push performance of this month and the effect of sending a single article, such as the number of readers, the number of clicks, and other interactive information. Through the data analysis of specific WeChat events such as user attention, customs clearance, and tagging after the article is published, the article data and effects are fully displayed, providing data accumulation and reference for future content marketing.


What does it mean to be able to send 3,000 articles per month?

With Parllay, the service account can send 100 messages per day, 3,000 times a month. However, each user can only receive up to four messages pushed by the service account each month.

Can I send a message by tag?

Parllay supports sending articles by tags . When selecting a group of people , you can select the group of objects according to the WeChat tag , or you can select according to the platform tag .

Can the link in the WeChat article be labeled?

Links inserted in WeChat articles can be tagged.

Can the subscription number send an article based on tags?

The subscription number supports posting content by tag, including WeChat tags and platform tags.

Can I add a link to my article in my subscription account? Can I tag the clicked user?

Parllay can add links to the articles pushed by the subscription account. Because the links cannot be tracked, users who click on the links cannot be tagged.

What's the difference between the subscription account and the service account?

The subscription account and service account are different in several aspects, such as QR code, data capability, WeChat articles, WeChat payment, and WeChat menu, etc.


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